Tuesday, June 28, 2011

royal palace in cambodia

Royal Palace is building a gold-plated and is the most beautiful achievements of Phnom Penh architecture. This was made as a home for his Majesty Preah Bat Preah Norodom Sihanouk smdech and Her Majesty Preah Reach Akka-Mohesey Norodom Monineath.
The palace was already in his very old and was built in 1866 by Majeaty Preah Bat Norodom His great-grandfather of our current King. Royal Palace built in the old town site. Cultural heritage was chosen by the Commission and the Minister of the Kingdom of Astrologers because it has a large geographical significance in relation to the King, which is considered as a direct descendant of the gods, whose role is to live and reign on earth under the influence of heaven and for all its citizens.


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