
Friday, December 23, 2011

Baluran National Park with the African savannah desert

The attractions of the world Indonesia is now in the seventh.
during the long vacation, you can travel to indosesia sights and enjoy the beauty of the world in one country.
Now in Indonesia you can enjoy the many sights from the Sahara desert, flower Sakura,
desert landscapes typical of Africa to Europe. You do not have far to go abroad to enjoy all of it because everything there is in Indonesia.
This time will write some tourist attractions in Indonesia are no less beautiful to the world-famous attractions.
Here are the resorts that we try to compare with some of the sights in the world:

7. Baluran National Park with the African savannah desert

Baluran National Park is located in Situbondo, East Java. Baluran National Park is often dubbed as his African-Java. Here you can see miniature African Savanna with sprawling savanna and a lot of wildlife that roam like in Africa. You can see a bunch of deer and bison among the grass. Here there are also monkeys and various bird species. Baluran similar view of Mount Kilimanjaro and its expanse of savanna and dry golden grass that adds to the impression that this area is indeed similar to Africans.

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